
Monday, December 29, 2014

Traveling to Abuja, Nigeria

Preparation: In order to travel to Nigeria from the United States I needed to obtain my Nigerian Visa, get a yellow fever shot, and malaria medication.Once I obtained all of this and the trip had finally become more real. 

Flight: The time difference was something that I was definitely NOT prepared for, nor the length of the flight. Can I say it was one of the longest flights of my life.... I departed from Washington, DC. USA and had a connected flight in Frankfurt, Germany. I arrived in Abuja, Nigeria at 5:15pm in Nigeria which was 6 hours ahead of Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

I will say that the view of Frankfurt, Germany from the plane in the sky was absolutely breath taking. The land was beautiful colors of greens, reds, browns, and orange. The view of Nigeria from the plane in the sky was brown and dusty with little green. 

Upon Arrival: I was welcomed by staff of Synapse Services outside in front of the airport. They held a sign that read... Welcome Ms. Hewitt. They had arrived in a car with a driver and they immediately took my bags and walked me to the car. I can say I felt IMPORTANT, like a CELEBRITY! It was very interesting. 

So many people where outside of the airport picking people up but also young children offering to carry your bags for money or trying to sell you items, food or drink. Along the drive to Synapse Services in Wuse 2, Abuja Nigeria I saw many people standing along the street and every time we would stop the car they would run up to the window trying to sell items to us. 

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