
Saturday, February 28, 2015


These are some amazing coworkers and me the day I left Nigeria to return home.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Trying to Make it Home

I left Abuja Nigeria 11pm Wednesday night to return home Thursday USA at 2:35pm and my flight is delayed because i needed to take another flight because i missed my flight. On top of that i will say i just had the most horrible experience of my life when i arrived at Frankfurt Germany airport at 5am Thursday here in Germany. 

Can i say racial profiling... to the extreme. I walked off the plane and three men where standing right at the entrance and what did they see a white american woman Coming from Nigeria. They immediately pulled me to the side asked for my passport and showed me there ID. It was Germany Customs Officers. They went through my lab top bag and my purse. They took my money out asking why i had so much money... none of their business may i add. Then asked me if i snort cocaine. I was shocked. They asked if i was doing contract in Nigeria... what in the world is wrong with people. They questioned me for 30 minutes and then said they wanted a drug test and they wiped my hands with something saying it detects drug on skin then insisted that i go with them for a body search. 

So i went. How violated i feel right now they made me strip down naked searched my body and clothing for drugs and then made me do a urine drug test and made me wait hours while they called immigration and questioned some more... seriously I'm a licensed social worker doing work at a drug rehab and psychiatric hospital and NGO in Nigeria and they question me and harass me as if I'm using drug. They made me miss my flight and were not nice. 

It was hard to say bye to Nigeria and felt that i had such a good trip and so many things discussed and worked on were productive and positive and then this... i just want to be home with my kids.. cant wait to come home!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Say No to Drugs

So today was a very productive yet eventful day. Its 1:15am here in Abuja and I'm just now settling into the hotel for the night.

Today we met with Customs at Synapse Services to discuss partnering with them to spread awareness about drug abuse and getting their officers drug tested and supporting recovery instead of firing them from their jobs.

We also met in Nasawara State University in Keffi Nigeria. We discussed "Say No to Drugs" in the University to decrease the stigma and to assist those students who are using substances in the University. It was a long hot drive and the car over heated yet the meeting were productive and everyone seems excited about Recconect HDI the NGO within Synapse Services and partnering with us to provide support and assist in preventing substance abuse, providing awareness and education to the society.

Monday, February 23, 2015

God is Good!!

Had a long and busy day. Sat in on a group therapy session, met with patients, sat in on an intake, made my recommendations for the psychiatry team at Synapse Service and went to a meeting at Customs which ended in good results.... thank God!!! God is so good all the time. 11:27pm and finally in hotel about to sleep after a good meal and spending time with the CEO of Synapse Services. This man Dr. Vincent Udenze has a great passion for his work, for people, for Nigeria and for positive change in Nigeria regarding the stigma of mental illness and substance abuse in Nigeria.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Today was a long day but had so much fun spending more quality time with patients and colleagues in Suleja... its amazing how the building looks now after all renovations.

Driving to Suleja

As of Today

So much to do so little time....

Unfortunately the internet connection has been very bad and i have had difficulty posting to my blog and updating everyone.

I will make an effort to do so now. I will say that i was speaking with my children back home and i am not missing this horrible weather you all are having and i hope everyone is staying warm and safe.

Here its 78-98 degrees. I will say that yesterday was a very hot day traveling to Suleja.

Upon arrival i stopped by Synapse Services and said hello to some colleagues of mines who i had not seen since April 2014. It felt so good to see everyone and to feel so welcomed.

The following day i spent the entire day in an all day training and staff meeting. It was a very long day but i am hoping that it was productive and that is produces change. We spoke about work ethics and code of conduct and brain stormed on how to provide better patient care.

i also had a chance to say hello to a patient i had built a good rapport with and who i had not seen since April as well. I also had the chance to meet with some other patients and speak with them about their struggles with drug addiction.

Yesterday was an amazing day. In the morning i spent time in two family meetings with family members of patients in Synapse Services. WHAT A HUMBLING EXPERIENCE. I was touched by the hurt sadness confusion and pleading from the families to help their children get well. The pleading for answers and the sadness they feel was so hard to hear but knowing that we were able to instill hope in them and that we are able to continue to work with them and their children on getting them well makes all that we do SO WORTH IT!!!

We then drove to Suleja. This was about an hour drive and due to several recent road bombings their was many military road blocks and check points which caused lots of traffic.