
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Trying to Make it Home

I left Abuja Nigeria 11pm Wednesday night to return home Thursday USA at 2:35pm and my flight is delayed because i needed to take another flight because i missed my flight. On top of that i will say i just had the most horrible experience of my life when i arrived at Frankfurt Germany airport at 5am Thursday here in Germany. 

Can i say racial profiling... to the extreme. I walked off the plane and three men where standing right at the entrance and what did they see a white american woman Coming from Nigeria. They immediately pulled me to the side asked for my passport and showed me there ID. It was Germany Customs Officers. They went through my lab top bag and my purse. They took my money out asking why i had so much money... none of their business may i add. Then asked me if i snort cocaine. I was shocked. They asked if i was doing contract in Nigeria... what in the world is wrong with people. They questioned me for 30 minutes and then said they wanted a drug test and they wiped my hands with something saying it detects drug on skin then insisted that i go with them for a body search. 

So i went. How violated i feel right now they made me strip down naked searched my body and clothing for drugs and then made me do a urine drug test and made me wait hours while they called immigration and questioned some more... seriously I'm a licensed social worker doing work at a drug rehab and psychiatric hospital and NGO in Nigeria and they question me and harass me as if I'm using drug. They made me miss my flight and were not nice. 

It was hard to say bye to Nigeria and felt that i had such a good trip and so many things discussed and worked on were productive and positive and then this... i just want to be home with my kids.. cant wait to come home!!!

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